Open Mike August 26, 2014

Dear Friends,

I hope you all are enjoying the last few weeks of summer. It never seems to be long enough and always goes by too quickly.

It is with great pleasure and pride that I can share with you today some very exciting news. Recently we were notified that St. Ann’s Home has earned a Five Star Rating from the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS).  The 5 Star Quality Rating System was created by CMS to help consumers, their families, and caregivers compare nursing homes. CMS states that nursing homes with 5 Stars are considered to have much above average quality compared to nursing homes with 1 Star that are considered to have quality much below average.

Achieving this quality rating for one skilled nursing home is a significant accomplishment, but not only has St. Ann’s Home been designated 5 Star, but so too has St. Ann’s Care Center! And not to be outdone The Glen, our Assisted Living Facility on our Webster Campus, also received a deficiency free survey earlier this summer.

While everyone enjoys being recognized for their work, to all of us who work as a team at St. Ann’s, it means so much more. We strive to deliver quality care and service each and every day. We feel that our commitment to those who have entrusted us with their care, is demonstrated through our actions. We take very seriously our promise to all who are part of the St. Ann’s family and know we are truly caring for The Most Important People on Earth.

Thank you for allowing me to take a moment so that I could share this wonderful news with you today. I could not be more proud of our St. Ann’s Team.  My thanks as always to each of you for your continued support.

Warm Regards,

Michael E. McRae

President & CEO

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