Time Marches On But Christmas Spirit Prevails

It’s been 50 years since the Grinch stole Christmas.

Hard to believe, but it was 1966 when the perennial Dr. Seuss favorite first aired on TV. (The book preceded it by nine years.) Today, of course, we can watch it year round thanks to DVDs and streaming video. But back then, like Christmas itself, it was a once-a-year treat.

Technology certainly has changed. I recall that, as a child, on Christmas morning my siblings and I had to wait upstairs for our parents to turn on the Christmas tree lights and set up the 8 mm movie camera. Years later, my wife and I made our daughters do the same while we fired up the camcorder. Today, with my daughter’s help and the wonder of the Internet, I’m learning to share holiday photos on Instagram and SnapChat!

Regardless of how the march of time changes the way we capture our special memories, one thing remains the same: the joy of watching the holidays though the eyes of a child. I believe it just gets better with time. My own childhood memories are wonderful, but they pale compared to the experience of watching my children on Christmas day. I imagine that holds true for adults of any age.

That childlike sense of joy is permeating St. Ann’s Community this month. Decorations are up, residents have trimmed their trees, our buildings and grounds twinkle with lights, parties are being held. The giving spirit is in full flow. In multiple ways, our staff is supporting community efforts to make the season bright for those in need, including “adopting” some of our own residents who don’t have families of their own.

So whether you’re of the 8 mm or the Instagram generation, whether you watch the Grinch on TV or tablet, here’s wishing you and yours all the happiness of the season.

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