“It’s Rude Not To Accept a Gift!”

“We all want to live longer, but no one wants to get old. So tell me: How does that work?”

If those words sound familiar, then you’ve seen one our new TV commercials, made possible with funding from St. Ann’s Foundation. (If you haven’t, click on the image below.)

Our spokeswoman goes on to say, “Old age isn’t a sentence, it’s an opportunity…to learn, to laugh, to smell the flowers. Every day is a gift. And it’s rude not to accept a gift!”

That’s what we believe at St. Ann’s Community. Our residents are full of life, each with their own unique personality, spirit, and drive. We support their independence, respect their individuality, and value their importance. They are at the center of everything we do.

Consider this idea put forth by Dr. Linda Fried of Columbia University: “Our negative attitudes towards aging blind us to the fact that millions of people in their 70s, 80s, and beyond are robust, active, functional, experienced, capable and talented—and that they want to remain engaged and contributing.”

Need proof? How about this:

  • At 75, Barbara Hillary became one of the oldest people to reach the North Pole.
  • At 77, John Glenn spent nine days orbiting the earth.
  • At 82, Christopher Plummer became the oldest person to win an Oscar (Best Supporting Actor, 2012).
  • At 86, Katherine Pelton set the world record in Masters swimming for the 100-meter butterfly (3 min., 1.1 sec.).
  • At 95, Nola Ochs became the oldest person to receive a college diploma.

Most of us will never reach the North Pole or win an Oscar, but each of us—no matter how old—has value. At St. Ann’s Community, we believe it’s our duty to ensure our residents stay healthy, active, and able to enjoy all that life has to offer—regardless of what their birth certificate says.

As the gentleman in another of our TV commercials says, “I’m vintage, and I’m as valuable as ever!” That’s how we feel about every person we serve.

– Michael E. McRae, President & CEO, St. Ann’s Community

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