St. Ann's Community

A Personalized Experience For Residents, One Sandwich at a Time.

There’s no such thing as going out of the way when it comes to delivering a personalized experience for a resident of St. Ann’s Community. And sometimes, all it takes is a ‘simple sandwich’ to bring back fond memories and make somebody happy!

Ralph, too busy enjoying his spiedie to pose for a picture!

That was the case with Ralph, a resident of St. Ann’s Home, and Jenna Carson, Life Enrichment Advocate. Recently, Jenna and other staff members were planning a picnic for the residents of the 5th floor. In true person-centered-care fashion, she asked each resident what they’d like to see on the menu.

What did Ralph want to see on the menu? Chicken spiedies! And he was sure that everyone else at the picnic would enjoy them as well!

(If you’re not from the local area, here is how Wikipedia describes this regional sandwich that originated in Binghamton, NY).

Jenna reached out to Ralph’s family (who would also be attending the picnic), and took inspiration from an old family recipe for spiedies. Then, with the help of St. Ann’s talented culinary and dietary team – spiedies were served up fresh & hot at the picnic!

Residents, family members, and especially Ralph were so grateful that the St. Ann’s staff was able to prepare their spiedies and deliver this personalized experience. To some it may be sandwich, but for Ralph it was a trip down memory lane.

Want to make this meal for yourself?

Spiedie Recipe
An ‘old time’ recipe from a 2010 Binghamton Newspaper clipping (from Connie Stephens)
1/3 cup Oil
1/3 cup Wine or Apple Cider Vinegar
2 cloves Garlic, minced (or 2 tsp. Garlic Powder)
1 tsp Salt
1/2 tsp Pepper
1 Bay Leaf
1 tsp Rosemary
1 tsp Basil
1 tsp Parsley
1 tsp Mint
1 tsp Celery Salt
1 tsp Garlic Salt
5 lbs Meat

Cube meat (Chicken, Beef, Pork, Lamb, Venison) into 1 inch squares.
Mix together ingredients and pour over meat.
Marinate for 3 to 5 days, stirring twice daily.
Skewer meat and cook over grill.
Best if eaten in Italian bread or Italian roll.