A Well-Educated Staff Means Well-Cared-For Residents

Along with some of the hottest days of the year, August brings with it the completion of a new enhancement at St. Ann’s Community, one that will benefit residents, visitors, and staff members.

Our brand new Life & Learning Center combines high-tech training facilities set within a sleek, modern décor.  This welcome addition to the lower level of St. Ann’s Home has been completely donor funded.

No one knows senior care better than St. Ann’s employees.  It’s a priority for us to stay on top of our game as the needs of our elder population become more complex. The Life & Learning Center is the hub of that work.

Our staff will utilize the Center’s technology, including smartboards, laptops, and multimedia systems, to receive specialized training.

Staff will learn the latest skills for patient care in areas such as heart disease, advanced diabetes, pulmonary diseases, kidney disease, and more. A clinical skills lab enables staff to practice new skills in a simulated environment before incorporating them into resident care. (This includes robotic mannequins programmed to respond like patients!)

Every department from Environmental Services to Human Resources, Dining & Nutrition to Life Enrichment, will benefit from the Center’s state-of-the-art training resources.

That translates directly into providing the best care possible for “the most important people on earth.”

The Center also provides added space designed especially for resident activities and family gatherings. Our person-centered care approach gives us the flexibility to prepare the room for specific needs such as celebrations, private events, and niche interests.

While high-tech environments are common in acute care and academic settings, they are not so common in the long-term care arena. We thank our donors for making the Life & Learning Center possible.

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