St. Ann's Community

Art Exhibition/Fundraiser Will Feature Resident Art

Donors to Annie’s Angel Fund Can Claim Pieces as Thank You Gifts

(June 15, 2018) Artwork created by residents of St. Ann’s Home, 1500 Portland Avenue, will be on display in the home’s lobby from June 20-23. Select pieces will be available to people donating $25 or more to Annie’s Angel Fund.

“Artwork for Annie’s Angels” started as a recreation therapy activity and soon became the focal point of a full-blown art exhibition and fundraiser.

Annie’s Angel Fund, established in 2002, was created to give St. Ann’s residents with limited financial means an enjoyable and active life. Donations to the Angel Fund provide lunch outings, tickets to a Red Wings game, a trip to the hair salon, a food truck rodeo or other special treats to enrich their days.

Thirty pieces of resident-created art in a variety of media will be on display. More than half were donated to Annie’s Angels by the creators to be used as thank-you gifts to donors.

Anyone is welcome to view the exhibition and to make a donation to Annie’s Angel Fund during the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. The exhibition will be up through June 23.

Opening Reception:

An opening reception for our resident artists and their families will take place Wednesday, June 20 from 3:00-6:00 p.m. Refreshments will be served and music will be provided by violinist Lev Ryadchenko.