Donate Now

By directing your gift to St. Ann’s, you can support a program of your choice, pay tribute to someone special, honor a loved one or friend, or even name an item, room or building at St. Ann’s Community. Gifts of every size are accepted and appreciated throughout the year.

Donate now and choose the fund where your donation is directed.

St. Ann’s designations you can choose from…

Area of Greatest Need: Money is used to provide programs and services, purchase needed equipment and help with the cost of facility upgrades throughout our extended community.

Annie’s Angel Fund: This fund makes certain that every resident who may have limited means or no immediate family enjoys the smaller things that contribute to his or her quality of life.

Employee Scholarship Fund: Money will provide financial assistance for high-performing employees interested in furthering their education.

Leo Center for Caring: By giving a gift to the Leo Center for Caring you will provide the very special level of hospice care our patients need.

Memorial Gifts and Tributes: Give a gift in honor of a loved one, a friend or a neighbor. Your gift will be included in a list of memorial and tribute gifts published periodically throughout the year.

Pastoral Care Fund: Allows us to offer a retiring priest a comfortable living situation, while providing a small ministry in which he can carry on the fulfilling, meaningful work he has enjoyed.

Person Centered Care Fund: Allows staff to give our seniors opportunities to enjoy their favorite activities, outings and pastimes.

The Star Fund, An Employee Appreciation Fund: Allows residents and family members to thank the exceptional staff caring for the most important people on earth. Gifts to The Star Fund will support a variety of recognition activities designed to thank all of St. Ann’s employees.

Make a Planned Gift

A Planned gift allows people to make a larger charitable gift than they thought possible while still meeting their personal, family and financial needs.  Learn how you can help provide quality senior care and services for future generations.

Read Our Privacy Policy

Gifts to St. Ann’s Foundation are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Receipts for tax purposes will be provided for all gifts.

A copy of St. Ann’s of Greater Rochester Inc. Annual Report may be obtained by writing to St. Ann’s Foundation or:

The Office of the Attorney General
Charities Bureau
120 Broadway
New York, NY 10271