St. Ann's Community

Open Mike February 3rd, 2015

Dear Friends,


We are well into the New Year and I hope you are being blessed with abundance: food, family and good health! I believe each year we should take the time to reflect on where we’ve been, where we’re going and how each of us can use our talents and energy to effect change. We are so fortunate at St. Ann’s Community to be supported by many people who give of themselves for the benefit of our Residents. In my Blog posts this year I intend to share with you stories that highlight the incredible people who give us their time and talents. Today I would like to tell you about one group of people that are truly our Angels…Annie’s Angels to be exact.


St. Ann’s Angels is an amazing group of women dedicated to bettering the lives of our Residents.  Over a decade ago they started Annie’s Angel Fund with a deep commitment to raising money that would be used to help our Residents with limited means.  Last year alone well over 500 Residents received small grants that allowed them to enjoy lunch with their friends, take part in outings at Red Wings games and purchase essentials like shoes or a newspaper subscription.  While the Angel Fund is at work year-round, at Christmastime the Angels play Santa Claus in a big way.  They donate hundreds of items like slippers, sweaters and very special selections like jewelry sets and Syracuse Orangemen sweatshirts.  Their gifts ensure that  all Residents have something under the tree, even if their family can’t be there to celebrate the day with them.


We are truly appreciative of the support we receive from so many people like those on Annie’s Angels and of course our wonderful staff. They are focused on delivering awesome care, enjoying deeper relationships with our Residents and bringing the gifts  of comfort, compassion and friendship to each day. After all we are Caring For The Most Important People On Earth!

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