St. Ann's Community

St. Ann’s Staff Recognized for ‘Optimizing Chances’ in Rehab Patient

When you receive an email like this – addressed to your CEO – you just have to share. We are so proud of our staff for their compassion, skill, and teamwork. It’s obvious you take great pride in Caring For the Most Important People on Earth.

Here is the email from Bob regarding his mother-in-law’s recent rehab stay at St. Ann’s:

Dear Mr. McRae,

There is an old saying by Ralph Waldo Emerson, that reminds us of you: “The Speed Of The Leader, Determines The Pace Of The Pack”.

You must be doing something exceptional, because everyone at your facility has been wonderful!

In the last few months, our family member Sarah (rehab patient) has suffered a multitude of health problems, including a stroke and heart attack. She came to your facility by ambulance in pain, confused, and bedridden. It was a horrible and depressing time for our family.

In less than 2 months, your experienced, compassionate and professional staff has greatly improved Sarah’s condition. Each staff member has worked patiently and diligently to get the best possible rehabilitation for our beloved family member. Everyone works together, and everyone goes “above and beyond” their call of duty. Never a shortcut, they work tirelessly and coordinate well with each other, as well as with us – the patient’s family. We have had family members and friends in other Facilities, and we all agree: NO Facility matches yours.

Sarah still has a long road ahead in her recovery, but your staff has optimized her chances.

Just to name a few of your “Most Valuable Players” (sorry if we missed anyone): Dr. Jurik, Eve, Enza, Marcia, Tina, Amy, Kelsey, Aaron, Maryna, Angie, Lindsey, Sidney, Kathleen, Stephanie & Melani.

The Medical Staff is great, The Nursing Staff is great, PT & OT are great, The Social Worker is great, The Dietary Staff is great, The Custodial Staff is great, Admissions and Medicaid Reps are great, etc. And most importantly, like a fine machine… they all happily work together. A rare find nowadays!

You Sir, have figured out the makings of a well-oiled successful team, and have implemented it.

Please accept (and convey) our compliments, and our gratitude. God Bless You All.


Sarah’s Family