St. Ann's Community

St. Ann’s Summer Camp – Enjoyed by Residents and Children!

St. Ann’s Summer Camp is an opportunity for employees’ children to engage in some fun activities…including some with our residents! The experience benefits both the kids and the seniors, who enjoy each other’s company and learn new things from new friends.

Nine-year-old Gigi is one of our senior campers. She’s been attending camp since she was 4 and now helps new campers feel welcome. (She’s also the daughter of our Director of Life Enrichment, Triciajean Jones.) At the conclusion of Summer Camp 2018, we asked Gigi her thoughts about the camp experience.

What was your favorite part of camp this summer?

Gigi: The field trips! Pelican’s Nest was my favorite – they have great fish fries. We also went to the Strong Museum of Play.

What other fun stuff did you do?
G: I really liked music therapy with Molly! We would play a few of the instruments. We would also help hand out instruments to the residents, and we would sing and dance.

What has changed since you first came to camp five years ago?
G: Some of the residents are gone now, and I have new residents to meet each year. My aunt Jennie also lives here now!

What’s it like going on field trips with St. Ann’s residents?

G: They’re our friends. We walk with them, talk with them, and help them with whatever they need. We try and help the people in wheelchairs as much as we can because it must be hard for them to always have to be sitting. They aren’t any different just because they use a wheelchair. They just need a little extra help with some things.

Do the residents teach you anything?
G: They are always so kind and happy that we are there. It teaches us to always be kind to others, everyone, no matter if they use a wheelchair, if they are young or old, or if they talk different.

What are you going to miss about camp?
G: (long pause) I’m going to miss all of it.