Employees Build Lifetime Careers at St. Ann’s
Ed Neal: Coaching Champions, On & Off the Field

Ed Neal: Coaching champions, on and off the field

Advancing from Laundry Supervisor to Human Resources Director isn’t a common career path, but it does happen. Ed Neal is proof of that.

Now in his 21st year with St. Ann’s Community, Ed had no experience in the job for which he was originally hired.

“I told them, ‘I’ve never, ever done laundry, except my own,’” he says. “The director said, ‘I don’t want someone who knows laundry, I want someone who can motivate people. I can teach you laundry.’ They took a chance, and 20 years later I’m still here.”

Ed worked as Laundry Supervisor for three years before moving into Human Resources. He began as a recruiter (a field in which he was experienced), then became a manager and, in 2005, Director of Human Resources.

Ed Neal

Ed Neal, Human Resources Director

His ability to motivate people is still in evidence, both in and out of the office. Many of those he has supervised over the years have gone on to leadership roles at St. Ann’s and other senior communities. And as a past coach of the St. Ann’s softball team, he has two championships under his belt, something the former Brown University outfielder is especially proud of.

Ed has seen a lot of changes at St. Ann’s over the years, but one thing that hasn’t changed is his regard for our residents.

“I’ve gotten to know a lot of residents and their families,” he says. “It’s rewarding to talk with them and listen to the stories they have to tell. It still is.”

That’s something he believes anyone seeking employment at St. Ann’s should value.

“You have to be somebody who likes older people. You can’t be afraid to sit down and talk to someone who has a history to talk about. Often all they want is someone to talk to.

“We’re an organization that takes care of people—our staff and our residents. It’s amazing how well we do that.”

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