St. Ann's Community

Volunteer Spotlight | Pat Stokes

Pat Stokes has volunteered her time in the St. Ann’s Gift Shop and Café for over two years. She lives in Irondequoit, so that makes the drive getting here an easy one. Pat is here every Tuesday, Thursday and every other Sunday as needed.

When asked what she gets out of the experience she said, “It’s the perfect thing for me. I lost my husband three years ago after being married for 56 years and it was lonely not having much to do.” Pat said she looks forward to coming to St. Ann’s and interacting with all of the people who stop by the Café and Gift Shop.
“Sometimes they have to kick me out of here and say, ‘When are you going home?’”

The hours of service given to St. Ann’s Community by volunteers translates to over $2,000,000 annually.

For information on volunteering at St. Ann’s Community, contact Barbara Joyce at (585) 697-6523 or