We’re “The Top” Because of
Our Employees

Anyone remember the Cole Porter song, “You’re the Top“?

Written in 1934, it’s a love song in which the singer compares the object of his affection to a list of wonderful things:

“You’re the top!
 You’re the Colosseum
 You’re the top!
 You’re the Louvre Museum
 You’re a melody
 from a symphony by Strauss
You’re a Bendel bonnet,
 a Shakespeare sonnet,
 You’re Mickey Mouse!”

They sure don’t write ’em like that anymore! (For the record, a Bendel bonnet was a stylish hat named for its designer, Henri Bendel. Thanks, Google.)

“You’re the top!” is exactly how we feel about our employees at St. Ann’s Community.

Recently, we were named one of the Rochester region’s Top 75 Employers by the Rochester Business Journal. It’s an honor that we don’t take lightly, and it’s the result of a dedicated, hard-working staff that is committed, as we say, to caring for the most important people on earth.

Each one of our nearly 1,200 employees contributes to making us a top-ranking company.

Employees like Nancy Rozario, Diet Technician from our Clinical Nutrition Department, about whom one resident says, “I don’t have any family left and Nancy is like my family. I miss her when she’s not here.”

Employees like Amanda Talma, Physical Therapist, described as someone who “focuses on helping each person she comes in contact with as if they are someone special and deserving of something special.”

Nancy and Amanda are just two examples of the person-centered care we pride ourselves on at St. Ann’s Community. Yes, we are one of the region’s top companies, but we are a company made up of individuals, each of whom makes a difference in the lives of those we serve.

To all of our employees we say thank you and, in the words of Cole Porter, “You’re the top!”

Michael E. McRae
President & CEO, St. Ann’s Community

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